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My campaign is focused on five overriding themes: 

1. Transforming the Waterfront 
Enable the City of Vero Beach to expand access to our beautiful Indian River lagoon by approving Referendum 1 on the November ballot. This action would amend Section 5.05 of the City Charter to allow for the long-term lease of the north parcel (north of 17th Street Causeway currently housing Big Blue). 
The resulting approval will permit the City Council to solicit proposals from developers to implement the Master Concept Plan for the Three Corners Project. In addition, the Master Plan includes the future relocation/replacement of the aging Sewer Plant situated to the south of the 17th Street Causeway bridge. The new State of the Art Water Reclamation Facility will be located at the Municipal Airport. Once the plant is removed from the western bank, the parcel will be a recreation facility with a new Youth Sailing building erected along the south canal. 

2. Transforming Parking 
To advance public access to the Central Vero Beach shopping district and the ocean and to facilitate access to the downtown entertainment district, the new council must explore all possible options including revisiting plans/proposals outlined in previous Consulting Engineering reports presented before the council, while simultaneously exploring new ideas that have been effective in other “built-out” beach communities. New and old parking areas should include a mix of spaces for cars, golf carts and bike racks. Another avenue to explore would be to contact with a bike rental company to install racks in the high traffic areas. 

3. Transforming Ideas
To advance community service and entrepreneurship across the City, I would aspire to champion innovation and amply impact by recruiting and developing young leaders who think critically and creatively about the problems faced by the City. They can use their technology to develop comprehensive solutions to improve the human condition. We can accomplish this by reaching out to the community of young adults willing to share their time and serve as Advisory Board Members to the Council. Lastly, the council needs to become the Board of Directors for the city corporation, maximizing revenue while minimizing expenditures, which will lead to less monetary stress on our citizens.   

4. Transforming Traffic Flow
Aspire to champion innovation and reduce traffic congestion by expanding access to alternate transportation paths including but not limited to bicycles, golf carts, scooters, and other modes of transportation. 

5. Transforming Our Community
Provide support for the less fortunate of our Vero Beach community by developing partnerships and working with existing non-profit agencies to facilitate a transition from homelessness to temporary safe shelter with the goal of becoming a contributing member of our community. 

Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by John M. Carroll, jr. for Vero Beach City Council 
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